To give you fast and correct reply on your inquiries , please fill below forms or/and contact below persons in charge.
- Multimodal containerized shipments (by sea + road) :
a) Forwarding service inquiry. (Download Form)
b) Merchant’s instruction for combined transport or port to port shipment. (Download Form)
Pic, Mr. Akaki Zhghenti
Tel: + 995 493 270092/93; e-mail: ;
skype: pvtakaki ; Mobile: + 995 577 411632
- International Road Transportation.
Order for cargo transportation by truck (Download Form)
Pic. Mrs. Gulchora Topuria
Tel: + 995 493 270092/93; e-mail: ;
skype: - ; Mobile: -
- Ships agency
Pic, Mr.Emzar Aphkhazava
Tel: + 995 493 270092 / 93; e-mail: ;
skype: emzo1973; Mobile: + 995 593 943767